Parents Father: TEED, David Saunders Mother: KNIGHT, Mabel Maria Birth Born on June 04, 1913 in Belmont, Colchester Co., NS Death Died on January 24, 1962 in Upper Belmont, Colchester Co., NS Buried in Belmont Cemetery in Belmont, Colchester Co., NS Notes Obituary: Halifax Chronicle Herald, 26-Jan-1962: TRURO - Lawrence Homer Teed, 47, died suddenly at his home in Upper Belmont Wednesday. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mabel Teed, Upper Belmont; four sisters, Mrs. Reginald MacLeod, New Glasgow; Mrs. Carlos Turner, Upper Belmont; Mrs. John Turkitch, Winnipeg; Mrs. Luther Turner, Upper Belmont; and three brothers, Charles, Oscar and Edgar, all of Upper Belmont. The remains are resting at the Mattatall Funeral Home and services will be held from there on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment will be in the Belmont Cemetery. Occupation: Labourer Death: Coronary Thrombosis Sources Nova Scotia Deaths: Year 1962 Pg. 1412 Images Lawrence Teed Birth Lawrence Teed Death