Obituary: The Baptist Church at Nictaux has been called to part with one of its best members, by the death of Mr. James Barteaux, of Wilmot, Ann. Our Brother was amongst the first fruits of Rev. I.E. Bill's ministry in 1829. Religion to him was the one thing needful, not only in times of declention and trial, but he did not turn back to the world as the manner of some is, but held on his way. In all the means of grace he was deeply interested. The Sabbath Scholl shared largely in his sympathies, there he toiled with delight. He carried the religion of Christ in his family and in the world. In the autumn of '55 his health began to fail and day after day and week after week disease gained strength. All was done for him that medical aid and kind friends could suggest but with only occasional relief and benefit. We often visited him in his sickness and derived much advantage from his Christian conversation and reconciliation to the will of the Lord. "He knew in whom he had trusted." There were times when the tempter would try him, but these seasons were of short duration. He suffered much, but never murmured at his lot and the will of his Heavenly Father believing that the Lord "was too wise to err and too good to be unkind." He has left a beloved wife, 11 children and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. But they sorrow not as those without hope. In the life and death of the Christian there are precious memorials left, for the survivors to treasure up in remembrance of the departed. We can see evidence of the reign of grace overcoming the corruptions of human nature and producing a life devoted to the service of God and being made a blessing to the world. In the hour of death there is joy and peace and "hope as an anchor to the soul both sure and steadfast." Such was the life and death of our departed brother on the 2nd of April, in the 51st year of his age. The message came and he was ready; without a struggle he took his departure for the better land. A discourse was delivered to a large concourse of friends and relatives by the Pastor. May the Lord comfort the sorrowing widow and mourning children and bring them to Heaven at last.
-- Communicated by Rev. W.G. Parker.
Nictaux, August 16th, 1856.
Christian Messenger August 27,1856