
NICHOLS, George Addy (7044)



  • Born on April 18, 1873 in Berwick, Kings Co., NS


  • Died on April 11, 1937 in Kentville, Kings Co., NS
  • Buried in Berwick Cemetery in Berwick, Kings Co., NS




  • Occupation: Railway Conductor Dominion Atlantic Railway
  • Death: Uremia General Gents Urinary Infection/ Carcinoma of Prostate
  • Marriage Notice: Berwick Register, Sept.21,1898: A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning, Sept. 14th, at the house of Burton Daniels, Lawrencetown. The principals in the event were Addy G. Nichols, the popular conductor of the D.A.R. and Miss Gertrude Daniels. The bride was attired in a handsome popline gown, wore orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of beautiful white flowers. She was attended by Miss Blanche Charlton. Mr. Roop acted as groomsman. The wedding party marched in to the strains of Mendelsshon's Wedding March and took their places beneath an arch of flowers and autumn leaves. The ceremony was performed by Rev.L.F. Wallace, B.A. After congratulations had been received, a wedding breakfast was served, the happy couple took conveyances for the railway station, where they boarded the express for St.John. They will, on their return, reside in Kentville. The bride was the recipient of many presents, among them being a gold watch and chain, the gift of the groom.


  • Nova Scotia Deaths: Book 173 Pg. 104
