
JOLLIMORE, Murray Gordon (66497)



  • Born on September 15, 1950 in Tatamagouche, Colchester Co., NS


  • Died on August 22, 1972 in Lansdowne, Pictou Co., NS
  • Buried in Cape John Road Cemetery in River John, Pictou Co., NS


  • Occupation: Truck Driver
  • Death: Accident Truck went off road. Asphyxiation/ Concussion
  • Obituary: New Glasgow - Jollimore, Murray Gordon, 22, of Cape John Road, died as the result of a highway accident. Born in Cape John, he was a son of Charles and Florence (Heighton) Jollimore. Surviving, besides his parents, are his maternal grandmother, Mrs Euphemia Jollimore, Truro; four brothers, Walter, John, James and Douglas, all at home; five sisters, Betty (Mrs Earle Pinch), Wolfville; Anita, Agnes, Phyllis and Annie, all at home. The body is at the Anglican church where service will be held today at 2 pm. Interment will be in Cape John cemetery. Chronicle Herald Halifax,NS August 24,1972


  • Nova Scotia Deaths: Year 1972 #6075
