
WEATHERBY, Marguerite (65588)



  • Born on July 10, 1921 in Tatamagouche West, Colchester Co., NS


  • Died on March 21, 1950 in Point Edward, Cape Breton Co., NS
  • Buried in Lockerby Memorial Cemetery in Tatamagouche, Colchester Co., NS




  • Death: Tuberculosis Peritonitis
  • Obituary: Tatamagouche, April 24 - The death occurred on Tuesday, March 21, at the Pt. Edward Hospital, Sydney, C.B., of Mrs. Murray McINTOSH, of Tatamagouche, N.S. The deceased, who was 28 years of age, was the second eldest daughter of Mrs. Sherbourne WEATHERBEE and the late Mr. WEATHERBEE of Tatamagouche; her father having predeceased her in January of last year. Although she had been confined to her bed for the past year, her passing came as a shock to her many friends, as all had been looking forward to her recovery, and to the pleasure of having "Marguerite" among us again. She bore her illness with patience and endurance far beyond that of the average person, and always presented a cheerful countenance to those about her. She was a devoted wife and mother and it could be truly said hat service to others was her daily motto. She is survived by her husband and three children; Darlene, Kathleen and Ronnie; her mother and two sisters, Meltia (Mrs. Alex CLARK) Tatamagouche and Barbara, nurse-intraining at the Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow. The funeral was held from the Sharon United Church, Tatamagouche, of which the decease was a member, on Friday afternoon, March 24, at two o'clock. The service was conducted by Rev. Garfield BRUCE, assisted by Rev. G.E. WHIDDEN, and the Sharon choir was in attendance. The hymns sung were "The Lord is My Shepherd" and "Abide With me," while a solo, "Sometime We'll Understand," was feeling rendered by Gerald BYERS. The pall bearers were Alex CLARK, brother-in-law of the deceased; H.M. COULTER, Leslie BONNYMAN, William GLENN, Kenneth LANGILLE and Ralph BELL. The profusion of flowers spoke silently of the high regard with which Mrs. McINTOSH was held in the hearts of those who knew her. Interment was made in the Lockerby Cemetery.


  • Nova Scotia Deaths: Year 1950 #2085
