Birth Born on 1857 in Rosedale, Carleton Co., NB Death Died on March 08, 1893 in Rosedale, Carleton Co., NB Buried in Jacksontown Cemetery in Jacksontown, Carleton Co., NB Marriages FOWLER, Sophia Mary Married on January 22, 1883 in Upham, Kings Co., NB Children SHERWOOD, Ella Maud: January 21, 1884 - August 03, 1884 Notes Death: Consumption Marriage Notice: m. Upham (Kings Co.) 22nd inst., by Rev. S. Jones Hanford, F. Myles SHERWOOD, Rosedale (Carleton Co.) / Sophia M. FOWLER, fifth d/o late Daniel FOWLER, Upham. The Daily Telegraph Saint John,NB January 27 1883 Obituary: Fred M. SHERWOOD of Rosedale (Carleton Co.) died at that place on the 8th. He was highly estemed, was a widower and leaves one child. Belonging to the Court of Foresters at Centreville, the members thereof attended the funeral in a body. Centreville (Carleton Co.) - Members of the Carleton Court, I.O.F. have started this morn. for Rosedale to attend the funeral of their late brother, Fred M. SHERWOOD, he having requested to be buried under the auspices of that order. d. Rosedale (Carleton Co.) March 8, Frederick Miles SHERWOOD, age 35. As consumption caused the physical to grow weaker his faith in God became stronger. He leaves an aged mother and other relatives. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. B.H. Thomas and by Rev. Fred G. Burtt, chaplain of the Independent Order of Foresters. Messenger and Visitor Saint John,NB April 12 1893 Occupation: Farmer Sources Newspaper: Carleton Sentinel Woodstock,NB March 18,1893 Images Sophia M. Fowler Marriage