
WATSON, Partlow Alward (4634)


  • Born on March 18, 1855 in Hoyt, Sunbury Co., NB


  • Died on October 20, 1916 in Saint John, Saint John Co., NB
  • Buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Saint John, Saint John Co., NB




  • Historical Information: Partlow WATSON while gunning a few miles below the Narrows, Johnston (Queens Co.) the other day, was attacked by a large wild cat or loup cervier. He had hard work to prevent the animal springing upon him and seizing him by the throat and he only succeeded in doing so by seizing it by the long hair under its throat and throwing it off. Catching up his gun, he fired at the beast, but it only attacked him the fiercer. After having beaten it for some time with the gun, it crawled off and WATSON returned home, his clothes almost torn off, his face cut and scratched, gun broken and himself quite weak from loss of blood.
  • Occupation: Pattern Maker


  • NB Deaths: Reg: 2694A Ref: C4/1916