Birth Born on April 02, 1842 in Hespeler, Waterloo Co., ON Death Died on January 10, 1929 in Petersburg, Waterloo Co., ON Buried in Rosebank Cemetery in Wilmot, Waterloo Region, ON Marriages BAER, Leah Married on November 05, 1867 in Preston, Waterloo Region, ON Children WITMER, John Wesley: May 27, 1879 - February 14, 1960 Notes Obituary: Gospel Herald - Volume XXI, Number 48 - February 28, 1929 - page 1005, 1006, 1007 Witmer. Isaac Witmer was born April 3, 1842; died Jan. 10, 1929, at the home of his son J. Wesley, near Petersburg, Ont. On Nov. 5, 1867, he was united in marriage to Leah Baer and to this union were born ten children: Mrs. Wm. Spaetzel, New Dundee, Ont.; Mrs. Jacob Spaetzel, Petersburg, Ont.; Jonas, who died in his fourteenth year; Isaiah, Kitchener, Ont.; Mrs. Enoch Gingerich, Preston, Ont.; Mrs. Samuel Schmitt, Kitchener, Ont.; Mrs. Noah Otterbein, Petersburg, Ont.; J. Wesley, Petersburg, Ont.; Edmund, Kitchener, Ont.; and Mrs. Herbert Herner, who preceded him in death twenty-three years ago. These with 3 brothers (John, Listowel, Ont.; Benjamin of Sask.; Henry, Preston, Ont.), 1 sister (Mrs. Edward Grabiel, Fordwick, Ont.), 72 grandchildren, and 59 great-grandchildren survive. On Aug. 17, 1908, his wife was called to her eternal home. He was married on Feb. 1, 1910, to Elizabeth Doner of Stayner, Ont., who also passed to her reward on May 31, 1918. He was converted when forty-four years of age and united with the Brethren in Christ Church and lived a faithful and consistent Christian life. He served in the office of deacon in the Waterloo, Ont., district for a number of years. Because of a lingering illness he was confined to his bed for the past three years, yet he always bore his suffering with patience and Christian fortitude. Funeral services were conducted at the Rosebank church on Jan. 14, 1929, in charge of E. J. Swalm assisted by Simon Cober and Manasseh Hallman. Text, Psa. 107:30. Interment in cemetery near by. Sources Cemetery: Rosebank Cemetery Wilmot,Waterloo Region,ON Images Isaac & Leah (Baer) Witmer