Birth Born on December 24, 1785 in Wilmot, Annapolis Co., NS Christened on June 28, 1795 in Wilmot, Annapolis Co., NS Death Died on April 30, 1871 in Meadowvale, Annapolis Co., NS Buried in Tremont Old Cemetery in Tremont Kings Co., NS Marriages BANKS, Timothy Saunders Married on January 08, 1809 in Wilmot, Annapolis Co., NS Children BANKS, Margaret: February 25, 1819 - July 31, 1905 BANKS, Joseph: January 08, 1823 - April 04, 1876 Notes Obituary: Mrs. Margaret Banks - Widow of the late Mr. Timothy Banks, of Meadowvale. Wilmot, obtained hope in the Saviour, and was buried with Him in baptism above forty years ago. She united with the Baptist Church in Nictaux, of which she remained an exemplary and highly esteemed member to the close of her life. Sister Banks was a woman of an excellent spirit, prudent, mild, pacific. During an acquaintance of almost twenty years the writer has no recollection of having ever heard her utter an unkind word respecting any person; nor indeed a word that would be regarded as injudicious or vain. With commendable industry and maternal kindness she raised a numerous family; and enjoyed the peculiar satisfaction of seeing nearly all of them united in Christian fellowship with the denomination to which she belonged. By them also she was treated with reciprocal kindness and affection. Her benevolence and urbanity secured for her the just esteem and affectionate regard of all in the circle of her acquaintances. In her last illness she was remarkably sustained by the consolation of true religion. Her end was emphatically peace. She died April 30th, 1871, aged 85 years. The occasion of her death and burial was improved by the writer in a discourse founded on Phil. i, 21. "For to me to live in Christ, and to die is gain." - Com. by Rev. C. Tupper. Christian Messenger May 17,1871 Sources Obituary: Christian Messenger May 17,1871 Images Margaret Bass) Banks